Let’s Chat About Risk
Every choice presents a gamble. Each step down one path is a further deviation from another option. And for so long, I tried to walk the line between entrepreneurship and having a stable, full-time job. Yet, walking this tightrope and lingering in uncertainty isn’t embracing risk.
All through college, I interned and worked as a wedding planner, even becoming certified and launching my own company and brand. Despite laying this groundwork, when it came down to taking the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship, I didn’t take the risk. I found myself in a corporate retail job while planning weddings on the side. I found myself teetering between a dependable income with structured schedules and fleeting glimpses of independence. I dreamt of combining my love for retail, weddings, and community. I envisioned the possibilities of life as a full-time entrepreneur. I was building courage to take a risk.
Change is risky too. And when I was recruited by a top-tier wedding company in the region, it felt like an advancement in my career. Yet a further deviation from my dream. And after 50+ hour work weeks, 12+ hour days, and not receiving benefits, bonuses, and the schedule I was promised at recruitment, I sat in the paralysis of decision. Change. Risk. Fear. Would the “what-ifs” haunt me? Was now really the time to pursue these dreams? Deep down, I knew the answer. I took the first step towards risk and change, trusting my intuition and following my dreams. I put in my 4-weeks notice, but was let go immediately. Much to my dismay, I found myself back in my hometown, not sure what was next.
But when you take a leap, the universe will always catch you. Just weeks prior, a local boutique was on the brink of closure, seeking to liquidate their inventory, which included hundreds of vintage, pre-loved wedding dresses. Being a familiar face in the wedding planning scene, I was approached, asked if I knew anyone interested in purchasing this stock. The moment I caught wind of it, a gut feeling told me this was my next move. It landed in my lap at the most opportune moment, blending my education, expertise, and love for retail and weddings. The timing was impeccable. But would I take the risk?
Fear’s instinct is to safeguard us—it’s just fulfilling its role. But lingering in fear and avoiding risk is ultimately avoiding growth. And what’s scarier: the risk of staying where you are, unchanged and living with regrets? Or the risk of taking a leap, navigating the journey as it unfolds? When I redefined risk, I unlocked freedom. And I took the leap into my greatest unknown and best adventure yet. In February 2023, I opened the doors to Juniper Lane – a vintage lifestyle boutique and bridal salon. The store just celebrated 1 year in business, has helped countless brides-to-be, served thousands of customers, and has unlocked freedom for my family. Amidst uncertainties and lessons, this leap of faith opened doors and has changed everything. Because in the end, it’s the risks we take that truly define our journey.